Contrails v Chemtrails: The Science That Debunks The Conspiracy

Because there are still those who insist they are chem-trails….
I still suspect someone said “contrails” once and someone else misunderstood and “heard” chem-trails instead, and thus a conspiracy theory was born…..all I know is that it’s just as mad as CAGW.

Irish Weather Online

Contrail over Kildare. Image Author Contrail over Kildare. Image: Author

There are those who claim that the trails we see behind aircraft high in the sky are not the normal condensation of water vapour from the hot exhaust gases but are in fact chemicals that are being deliberately sprayed upon us by government agencies for some dark and sinister reasons. When asked to prove their claims, however, their response is invariably either just a video or blog of someone else making the same unsubstantiated claim, or a simple “Well why don’t you prove that they’re NOT chemtrails!”. Proof has been given time and time again but ok, here it is one more time, using only sound scientific methods and no political mumbo-jumbo.

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